von Nick Whitby
Hat ein Individuum Rechte gegen die Machenschaften der Bürokratie? Afra hat beschlossen, eine Beschwerde einzureichen und hat nicht die Absicht aufzugeben. Sie wird immer weiter in eine kafkaeske Welt hineingezogen; die Rollen sind wider Erwarten vertauscht: Die Verwaltung hat Angst, Afra hat die Macht. Diese schwarze Kommödie mit ihren prickelnden Dialogen ermöglicht uns, in Afras Kampf für Meinungsfreiheit unser eigenes Dilemma zu erkennen.
Textauszug aus 'The Complaint'
Afra: | There´s a difficulty with my complaint? |
Mr Tabutanzer: | No, no the complaint is proceeding marvelously well. They just had one small concern. |
Afra: | Who are `they`? |
Mr Tabutanzer: | No one. Merely a turn of phrase. All complaints are sent as a matter of course to an independent advisory network, IAN. Ian casts an eye over the preliminary documents and recommends the best of course for the complaint to take thereafter, if there´s felt to be a problem. |
Afra: | So there´s a problem... |
Mr Tabutanzer: | No no, not a problem. |
Afra: | You said there was |
Mr Tabutanzer: | If there´s a problem. There is no problem. Only a concern. |
Afra: | A concern is less serious than a problem? |
Mr Tabutanzer: | Many levels less, yes, yes oh yes. A concern is only one level above the lowest level of all - a slight concern- then there´s a concern, and then, ascending from there, an issue, a serious issue, a slight difficulty, and so on up to a problem. Then, confusingly, there´s a plain difficulty, which is actually seperated from a slight difficulty by a problem. I don´t know why it´s like this, it just is. But a concern is really very minor indeed. |